Autism Treatment In Aurora | In-Home ABA Therapy

Autism Treatment In Aurora

In-home ABA therapy in Aurora with the Autism Therapy Group aims to help your child discover their true potential by working with them using ABA therapy in your home or other community settings. Autism is only a part of your child. There’s so much more to them than a diagnosis.

Our in-home ABA therapy offers a customized treatment plan to address and meet the unique needs of your child. Our well-planned behavioral interventions are effective in helping children learn basic life skills, communication skills, and social skills.

Why In-Home ABA Therapy In Aurora?

Environment-Based Learning

At the Autism Therapy Group, we believe that your child may benefit from learning in your home or other community settings in Aurora. We treat children with autism outside the clinical setting to help them transfer their skills to different social settings.

ABA Therapy Research Support

Several clinical studies have revealed that ABA is perhaps the most effective treatment for autism. There’s more research support for ABA than there is for any other mode of treatment.

Teaching Children The Basic Skills

From eating, sleeping, and toileting to communication and behavior, we teach all vital skills to children with autism and will give your child the voice they deserve while helping them develop a sense of independence.

Helping Children Become Their Own Best Advocates

Your child deserves to live a normal life and to show the world what they’re capable of. We strive to teach your child all that they can learn so that they may grow up to become independent and self-sufficient.

Parental Training

We work together with parents for their children’s development. We train them to be the best parents they can be by helping them understand the specific needs of their children and by teaching them ways for their growth. When children get love and support from both parents and therapists, they respond to the treatment quicker and perform even better!

If you are interested in ATG and how in-home ABA therapy can help your child, call us today at (847) 465-9556 to learn more.

Top Questions to Ask an ABA Provider

National Autism Association